Greetings all,

Though I tattoo’d this piece months ago, this piece is one of my all time favorite tattoos. Today, I am going to take the time to tell you why. It is not because of the quality of the art, because I always strive to put quality in my artwork but, rather it is the subject matter of this tattoo.

Often as a tattoo artist one is asked frequently, “what do you specialize in?” Or “what is your preferred style?” This is a perfect example of what I specialize in. It is less about how it is done or how it looks in terms of style and more about the meaning and the expression of the piece. I love to do a variety of different styles but, what makes this one special is the expression behind the image. More than anything I love to use symbolic imagery to express big-picture ideas analyzing the entire contraption that is life and existence through the different perspectives of spirituality, philosophy, and science. My absolute favorite thing is to combine all these views to create a sense of unity between perspectives. It is better to be together than to be in a war against each other based on the different ways we view life as people. This is because we learn the most when we’re willing to digest multiple views and then form our own view based on the combined knowledge we have accumulated.

Now that is out of my way let me describe to you what I mean through the explanation of the symbolism I have created in this piece.

The subject of this tattoo is one of the oldest characters/figures in human history. So old, no one really has a name for him. It is a figure that is represented in almost all of the cultures of ancient antiquity such as the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, and so forth. This character is presented in a variety of styles given the context of each different culture but, the key elements are his four wings, his hat, his bag, and his hieroglyphic stoic expression, being the bringer of higher wisdom. However, this image is a completely reimagined and totally original modern day expression of this figure brought to you by the imagination of yours truly.

Each and every element in the design is symbolic for something making it a one of a kind wearable hieroglyph. Where to start explaining? The four wings and wings on his pine cone cap show that he is an elevated being carrying wisdom from up high though now he touches the ground. In a variety of cultures such as the Sumerians, the Egyptians, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Greece the pineal gland inside of the brain is thought to be the seat of the soul or where the portal of consciousness resides allowing spirit or consciousness to inhabit the physical vessel that is the human body. In Ancient Rome and Greece this was often expressed symbolically using pine cones in sculptures and art. Hence, this ancient figure’s cap is a pine cone. In this original design, the figure has multiple arms which is my homage to the ancient Hindu and Buddhist spiritual expression, as a variety of different deities and buddhas from these cultures have multiple arms, such as Shiva or Kali, each one carrying a gesture that symbolizes something different. In this piece I have used multiple arms to express the evolution of the moon. Why the moon? Regardless of what time you’re alive in human history or what culture you’re a part of, the moon is universal. Meaning every person that has ever been alive can recognize the difference between the stages of the moon as it goes from a crescent to a full moon. Inside of this symbolic moon I have drawn the human brain in different stages of evolution. I have tied the moon and the human brain together to symbolize the actualizing and unlocking of the full potential of the human brain, where the soul or consciousness resides. When the  moon is full, the full brain has become visible. As the brain becomes more and more actualized, the borders (of the moon) fade and darkness leaves the moon to show that it is now reflecting Light. Only now, that it is being fully activated. Above the fully actualized brain, there is a universal all-seeing eye with a single star as its pupil. The star that is the pupil of the all-seeing eye is connected to the scroll of knowledge this figure is carrying; it has a number of different stars on it representing universal knowledge being carried by the figure. All of the hands, the moons, and the brain are going up in elevation in each stage representing ascension or raising one’s spirit or mind to higher plains of understanding and experience. This figure’s primary representation in every ancient culture is to show the bringing of higher knowledge, the gift of agriculture, and the wisdom leading to successful more advanced civilization. Around his waist the figure carries his typical bag with wheat, plants, and feathers hanging out to represent his bringing of these aspects to humanity. Underneath the foot of the figure you will see he is standing on a skull with a snake pinned between his foot and the skull. The snake often is used as a negative force in art and symbolism, it represents our demons or the negative attributes we carry or face as evolving beings. The skull represents death. The triumphant pose of the ancient figure standing on the snake and skull represents his conquering of negative forces internally and outside, as well as, elevating beyond death through the attainment of higher knowledge. On his wrists lies jewelry commonly worn by royalty in ancient cultures, the feathers being an homage to ancient Mayans, Aztecs, and other indigenous cultures. Lastly, the all-seeing eye being held above the figure is shaped somewhat like a ufo representing an origin of otherworldly wisdom, not necessarily beings with physicality or meant to be taken literally…  

This piece of work is a perfect representation of my specialty.  Communicating higher ideas through art might as well be my purpose and hopefully now you understand what I mean. Why you might ask? If you ask me, the hieroglyphic images that carry wisdom for humanity is our most important dissemination of knowledge through time. If something catastrophic happens to our world causing our virtual clouds to fall, our grids to crash, our libraries to burn to dust, or if our records and language  become lost to humanity… What is left? What has stood the test of time? Hieroglyphs and art. This is even more important because images and art is the only universal language. The moon is the moon in every culture even if it has a different sound or word to represent it. In that way the wisdom from art can be attained from anyone from any culture at any time. Language and culture is specific to a civilization but art is perceivable by everyone with no exclusions. Unless of course.. you are blind and cannot see…..

This is my style, this is my specialty, this is what makes me passionate about art and this is why I do what I do. 

If you took the time to read this far, you’re special and I appreciate you. Thank you so much for listening to me blabber 🙏

I also want to give a huge thank you to my homie Sebastian who requested an original version of this character allowing me to truly express myself through the medium of tattooing. It is one thing to make true art in my own time, it is another thing to have a special human who wants my true expression on their body for life. You are wearing a one of a kind hieroglyph and I think that is super cool. Much love 💜🌌💫✨

If you are interested in getting a tattoo, I am located in Denver, CO. Message @dgl_tatts on Instagram to book an appointment!