Unto Thee

My dear creature, do you see the beauty in me?
My best feature, is the part of you in me I see
No more can I choose to pretend
No more can I choose to descend
Unaware of the states of which one can be risen
Your being is a part of thee soul of which all is in
Consider not, the projection that I think to be above
Consider a thought, the pigeon is family to the dove
Can I be above that which I am?
What good is a blade without the hand?
I am the sword just within the sheath
You are the waves just above sea beneath
One does not exist without the other
Unity among all things one must discover
One everlasting singular motion
Many names of a singular ocean
Many strings in the same web
In and out, we are the waves ebb
Conscious operation revolves around polarity
The greater the vibration, so the clarity
Reverberating higher and higher
The flame inside begins to conspire

The soul moves faster than the speed of light
The source of every perspective without a trace of spite 

Speed accelerates until everywhere in a single moment
The combined view of all lives leaves the self completely dormant

The light occupies all space until completely still

From every portal love begins to spill

Letting go of all identification and welcoming the transcendent 

The evaporation of the self reveals a sight most resplendent

Here there exists no pain or suffering
Here balance is beyond karmic buffering
Where is it that you think you are going?
Uncertainty in the eyes and pained efforts showing
Heaven seems to be unrealistic, a place that’s always too far
We perpetually run in a circle to get where we already are

Heaven, peace, and nirvana are accessed states of being

They are placeholders, not a time or place you will be seeing
The truth, I admit, is elusively subtle and hard to find
Difficult to submit, Hell is only a peril existing in our own mind

There is no evil saint waiting to torture and hoping to see you burned

Unless you count your own dark nature reaping darkness earned

Mankind created the reality of that in which it exists
In the realm of infinite possibility, mankind can create harmony I insist
Imagination was used to build the system we reside in today

Imagination can be used to create the world in a better way

Revolution does not need to be provoked by rocks and sticks

A world where everyone is at peace no longer needs to be fixed

Positive change will not come from wagging fingers and pointing blame

It will come from embracing others with love, evaporating guilt and shame

Reminding the fallen of their infinite potential and worthiness

An animal pressured into a corner shows no hint of friendliness 

Understanding and acceptance conquers all judgement

Forgiveness creates a space for healing, alleviating torment

Compassion sees that all are capable of rehabilitation

The lost can be found through guidance and education 

You can alter the environment in which you reside

Change happens when one begins to shift from inside

Every cell in the body has a designated name and function 

Every differing cell operates together to put your body in motion

The assembly of simple cells creates a complex organism

Between the workings of matter and spirit lies no schism

A collection of smaller life-forms creates a larger soul

Individual roles of operation connected to serve one whole

Necessary are all things, even what we despise, for balance to exist

Without a reference point, without evil, there would be no good to persist

Polar opposites create the possibility for duality

It is what allows experience to happen in our reality

See that all are perfectly designed

Disparate entities serving the combined

This is exemplified in micro and macro

The saying goes, “As above, so below”

Relative to the universe bodies of life are the cellular equivalent 

The governing consciousness of everything existing is omnipotent 

Your consciousness is the pilot for trillions of smaller entities 

The universe as a whole is one mind, the assembly of all identities 

In the body of nature we are living 

The idea of separation is misgiving

The interpreting mind will inevitably jump to conclusions

Creating a limited perspective encapsulated by illusions

There is so much more to life than what we can conceive

Our biological limitations restrict what we can perceive

Perceivable data exists undetectable to our five senses

With knowledge of spirit, elevation in perception commences 

Science is factual, important, useful, but limited to what man can measure 

Where the limitations of an organism exist, spirit surpasses with pleasure

The study of science is necessary and may cure immediate things like cancer 

However, science will never be able to provide the ultimate existential answer 

As science states, you cannot make a conclusion without measuring all the data

Think about the places traveled by your subconscious mind and the waves of theta

Such immersive experiences traveled in the realms of REM sleep 

While you’re dreaming, does the happening at play feel any less deep?

Reality’s nature is beyond what can be measured or seen

Intricacies surpassing comprehension behind the scenes 

What is being symbolized now is the universal observer

Conscious awareness without identity, nature’s conserver 

The eternal spirit present in all life-forms deep within

Without name, it has no form, shape, or place to die in

Universal consciousness is the culmination of all that will ever be

Every life, every memory, every lesson, in one moment, its being sees

The universal observer is the whole’s great orchestrator 

The puller of strings, the overmind’s omniscient creator

This is an attempt to communicate something that is beyond words

I am aware of the paradox in this following statement and it’s absurd

The simulator is beyond all labels and depictions

Every symbol used to describe is an interpretive description

Putting a finite blanket of understanding over infinity 

Like a living spirit claiming there is no divinity

The act itself is a form of contradiction 

It is a claim made under false conviction 

Mentioned previously, separation is a scam

What is your inclination, who do you think I am?

You may question whether or not the words I speak are true

I’m just another cell in the body communicating to help myself, You

You can push back, however what is stands firm and resilient

Guidance will be at your side until you see that all is brilliant

Your ties with universe you cannot sever

And the world needs you now more than ever

Choose to fight against infection, joining the militia of white blood cells   

Access the source of consciousness, leaving behind the mind’s prison cell

You belong to the collective All, the truth that has always been sought 

Open your eyes to a world that was, before masked by any thought

Unless you can experience without judgement you are witnessing a reflection

If you see only a world of your own thoughts you are observing a projection

Before you can truly behold the glory of anything else

You must first truly accept the beauty inside of yourself

Love yourself as you would a friend, that is my suggestion

And oh my love, you are beautiful, there is no question

Time to create a better world in the like of your image

Time to walk among the many in a new pilgrimage 

The truth is you are capable of becoming the bringer of light 

This is the truth for everyone regardless of what you think despite

The light being all things good that benefit the whole

All things moving in harmony with the universal soul

No need to believe in a book on my shelf

Look out into the world and see for yourself

But first, learn to shed the parts that do not serve you 

Without effort or judgement, the way leaves in fall do

Grasp the tool of empathy, release any and all violence

Understand what is left while sitting in complete silence

After slow deterioration of the shadow you will begin to float

Drifting effortlessly, guided by the tide, no captain in the boat

Be what you already were before you were taught what you should be

See the world with your own eyes before you were taught what you should see

Embody the intuitive knowing and being of a child

You knew what you were when you were still wild

Try to remember this experience was created for yourself 

A series of trials to grow closer to your highest self

The Academy of Life cycles like the nature to that of a spiral

Every moment is a teaching, pay attention for your own survival 

Any lesson you did not pass you will be forced to revisit 

After graduation you will cease to ask, “The truth, what is it?”

If you choose, nothing outside of yourself is needed to understand life

But, sometimes cutting a rope is difficult without the help of a knife

With a tool equipped, the truth is less slippery and nimble 

Stay open, try to capture the essence behind the symbol

Religion can provide great service in aiding you along your way

But, beware, overly identifying with symbols can lead you astray 

The purpose of religion is to comprehend the deepest nature of oneself

The true nature of religion is not about following anyone else

If you think you are above or below someone else you’ll never get there

You will arrive when you realize there was never anyone else to compare

The parables of religious tales are teachings meant to be interpreted as poetry

Be wary of taking such texts at face-value, rejecting it before you know it, please

If you discriminate from where you learn you’ll only exile yourself from information

It is possible to learn from another flock of birds without joining their formation

If you seek help traversing through the realm of spirit a little faster

You can consider the teachings and wisdom of the ascended masters

However, let it be known that Faith triumphs all knowledge and intellect

On the branch of knowledge there is an unlimited amount of fruit to collect 

Faith, trusting the way of life, brings you here, knowledge leads to chasing

Disregard everything, just believe, and you’ll beat me even if I’m pacing

Along the way, keep in mind, the universal observer can take any form

Once it becomes recognized, spies and whispers will swarm

When you begin to witness the signs you will know

Synchronicities along the path will show your way to go

A trail of breadcrumbs leading to your internal furnace

The ignition of your soul will make life’s meaning burnish

The deepest understanding will always come from direct experience 

Direct contact will always be greater than any one person’s sentence

I’m just a postman, nothing more than an apparition 

A radio playing music is not the source of transmission

The radiant one inside all cannot truly speak

The radiant one inside all has no reason to seek

These words exist and serve only as a hint

The limitation of our symbols I cannot prevent

Their only purpose is to let you know of something more

The motive is to encourage you to lift your feet off the floor

I have temporarily climbed to the very brim of the well

I saw the blinding light of day only briefly before again I fell

The crashing impact caused what I thought of myself to die

Note that down if you wish to climb up and see the eternal sky

Be prepared to obtain many cuts and brushes along your mission

Study the greats, you will find sacrifice is always a part of admission

This passage is a collection of hand-holes I’ve chipped into the brick

You will have to pull yourself up and the journey will not be quick

All I can do is hold my finger pointing up towards the stars

In case you don’t know, you are more than you think you are

Sleeping beauty, such a long slumber it's been

I've come to tell you, the sun has come up once again

Dear Great One, good morning, rise and shine

Open your eyes to see that you’ve always been mine

I shall speak unto thee
Realize the beauty I see
Recognize your divine birthright

To swim in the sea of eternal light

My desire is to help you feel more connected

May all of your suffering fall away and be rejected

In the end, I promise everything will be fine

If you ever needed one, here is your sign

No longer through countless texts must you sift

Just accept the experience of life and enjoy the gift

Raise your mind’s eye to the mountain peak’s sight

The final goal is to leap, soaring into never-ending flight

The realized await to embrace you in the immortal song of love

There is no limit or clear formation to this floating flock of doves

We know nature’s creations are perfect how they come

Even if to that truth you would not like to succumb

Which means according to us you are perfection 

And that is what we see in our own reflection 

Friend, won’t you recognize the beauty in me?

Because friend, you are the beauty in me I see

When you see the world from above the ground you will be awed 

With infinite potential you are a fundamental piece of what they call. . .