Silence & Song

We are like music

Just as every note will rise and fall in a symphony 

So must every living being rise and fall in life

Every note will elevate to a climax and then fade away

Each role a being plays in life will do the same

All notes are a different variation of sound

Each differing note is essential to the total composition 

Every high, every low, and every varying tone

While the individual notes disappear

The great song lives everlastingly 

We are like instruments playing notes

Just as an instrument is a conduit for sound

The human vessel is a conduit for the soul

Sound ripples from the harp

But the harp is not the sound

Echoes of spirit travel through man

But the vessel is not the soul

We are temporary expressions of nature

The nature of spirit is reminiscent to music

There are many instruments but, one song

There are many vessels but, one life

That is why it is called the uni-verse

One-song ecstatically expressed throughout all time

Each of us an instrument being played 

If one learns to play in tune with the rest

The orchestra’s guidance will lead to an epiphany

All life inherently belongs to the eternal

Just as all notes inherently belong to music

Every individual note sharing the same origin

All notes emerge out of and return to silence

Every sound being played is temporary

While the silence is immortal